Basil Hayden’s Straight Rye Whiskey 10 Year (750ml)


Basil Hayden Rye 10 Year Whiskey is a high-quality, carefully aged spirit with bold flavors, offering a smooth and flavorful drinking experience, delivered to your home by Bob and Jan’s online shop as an original product.

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Basil Hayden's


United States


10 Years


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About Basil Hayden’s Straight Rye Whiskey 10 Year

Basil Hayden’s 10 Year Rye Whiskey is a limited release, but this multifaceted spirit carries a decade’s worth of excellent flavor, so get it while you can. Best served neat with a few drops of water, you’ll notice an aroma of vanilla and oak when the spirit is allowed to breathe. This whiskey is delicate but full flavored, with notes of spice, oak, and caramel. A hint of tobacco character shows off this bottle’s age.
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