Cutty Sark Original Blended Scotch Whisky 700ml


Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whisky named after the historic ship, is a blended Scotch whisky distilled, matured and bottled in Scotland to give a rounded blend with a little hint of smoke. Cutty Sark stands out for its light color and smooth taste, a result of the expert blending and careful maturation process. It delivers a harmonious blend of vanilla, citrus fruits, and a hint of oak, leading to a clean, refreshing finish.

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Cutty Sark




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About Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whisky

The first and most famous of the Cutty Sark family, this blended scotch whisky has been a Scottish icon for the last 90 years. Cutty Sark Whisky is easy-to-drink, light in color and flavor (but heavy on the fun). Perfect for a traditional whisky cocktails like an ‘old fashioned’ or ‘whisky sours’.

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