Jameson 18 Year Old Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 750ml


Jameson 18 Years is a premium Irish whiskey that is aged for at least 18 years in a combination of American and Spanish oak barrels. It is a blend of three signature distillates, including pot still whiskey and grain whiskey.

Jameson 18 Years has a complex and elegant flavour profile. It has notes of vanilla, toffee, spice, wood, and leather. It is a smooth and mellow whiskey that is perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks.


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18 Years



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About Jameson 18 Year Old Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey

Jameson Irish Whiskey is crafted from a mash of malted and unmalted barley that is triple-distilled — just as it was by John Jameson himself centuries ago — through three separate copper-pot stills: a wash still, feint still and finally a spirit still. The mash itself is made using barley, maize and pure Irish water, further adding to the unique character of the whiskey.

Jameson 18 Year Old Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey is a special blend of three whiskies that have each aged at least 18 years in hand-selected American bourbon and European oak casks in Jameson’s Midleton warehouse. As a result of its 18 year beauty rest, the whiskey’s nose opens with spicy oak and toffee, which is followed by more toffee and fudge notes on the palate, as well as subtle hints of sherry. Just before being bottled, the whiskey is finished in first-fill bourbon casks, which leads to a smooth, vanilla finish, brightened by previous notes of toffee and caramel.

Pick up a bottle of this rare and limited bottle of Jameson today!

Jameson 18 Year Old Triple Distilled Tasting Notes

Aromatic oils with a touch of wood and spicy toffee.

Wonderfully mellow and smooth, a mouthful of complex flavors –toffee, spice, hints of wood and leather, gentle sherry nuttiness and vanilla.

A long lingering finish carries the theme of the wood, spice and toffee right through to the end.

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